Instructions for authors

1. General guidelines

  • Expected format: Word or odt AND pdf

  • The total length of research papers (including bibliography) should be no shorter than 8 pages (squibs, reviews and the like may be shorter).

  • The first submission must be anonymous. The name, affiliation, and email address of each contributor should be provided in a separate document. This information should appear under the title in the final version.

  • The article should include a summary in French and English of approximately 2000 signs, as well as 3 to 5 keywords.

  • Ensure that each section, subsection, example and figure is properly numbered.

  • Tables, figures, graphs, etc. must also be submitted as separate files in jpeg or png format.

  • Ensure that the references cited in the text, and only these, are included in the bibliography.

  • Make sure you have the necessary permissions for any use of copyrighted material.

2. Typography, format, characters, formatting

  • Paper size: A4

  • Margins: 2,5 cm. Please note, however, that the final size of the text block will be 12cm maximum, equivalent to an A4 page with 4.5cm margins.

  • Left-aligned text.

  • Text in black only. No color in text, only in tables/figures, etc.

  • Font typeface: Charis SIL (downloadable font:

  • Font size: 11pt

  • No automatic formatting (in particular: no automatic numbering of examples, tables, figures, graphs and sections).

Use of typographical signs:

  • italics: for metalinguistically used words (e.g., cat is a noun) and book titles only.

  • double quotation marks (“ ”): for quotations, technical terms and distance (i.e., scare quotes).

  • single quotation marks (‘ ’): for quotation marks within quotation marks or for glosses and semantic paraphrases.

  • Avoid bold and underlining as much as possible (they are only possible in the examples, to highlight certain language facts).

3. Hierarchy of titles

Use the international numerical system avoiding subdivisions of more than four digits: 1., 1.1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.1., 1.2., 1.2.1., etc. Capitalize the first letter of the title only. Example:

1. Introduction
1.1. Second level title
1.1.1. Third level title Title of fourth and last level

4. Quotations

Short quotations (less than 40 words) are included within the text and surrounded by double quotation marks (“ ”).

Long quotations should be presented as a separate paragraph, indented on the left, without quotation marks, and followed by the source (author, date, p. XX).

Please, do not use op.cit., loc. cit. or ibid., but always mention the full name of the author and the date of the work.

Font size for long quotes: 10 pts

All quotations translated from languages other than English should be footnoted in their original language.

5. Footnotes

References to footnotes are placed after any punctuation mark by superscripting and follow continuous numbering.

Font size: 10 pts

6. Examples, tables and figures

Examples (font size 10 pts) should be numbered as follows:




a. Sub-example

b. Sub-example


Recall: no formatting / automatic numbering.

Linguistic examples with glossing and/or translation should follow the rules set out in the “Leipzig glossing rules” (

Align the glosses thanks to tabulations, not spaces:


Halkomelem Salish (Wiltschko 2006 : 202)











‘Strang barbecues the fish’

References to examples in the text should have the form: see (2a) and (2b).

Tables, figures, graphs, etc. must be numbered and have a title: number and title must be indicated below the table/figure/graph, etc.

Legends for tables/figures/graphs are indicated as follows:

Table/Figure 1. title

In addition, all tables, graphs and figures must be submitted as separate files in jpeg or png format.

7. References within the text

General types of references

Always put a comma after the author's name

  • Unique author: (Haspelmath, 1997)

  • Two authors: (Hopper & Traugott, 1993)

  • More than two authors: quote all names in the first reference (Anscombre, Donaire & Haillet, 2018), and then abbreviate with et al. from the second reference onward: (Anscombre et al., 2018)

  • Several quotations from the same author:
    (Stalnaker, 1999, 2003)

  • Several quotations from the same author in the same year:
    (Vigier, 1995a, 1995b, 2013)

  • Several sources cited simultaneously:
    (Zamparelli, 2000; Rijkhoff, 2002)

  • Quoting an entire chapter:
    (Auer, 2007: ch. 3)

  • Reeditions:
    (Sperber & Wilson, 1995 [1989])

  • Indication of one or more pages:
    (Dostie, 2013, p. 200) or (Dostie, 2013, pp. 200-245)

  • Please, do not use op. cit., loc. cit. or ibid., but always mention the full name of the author and the date of the word.

In brackets, as well as in the bibliography, put a & between the two authors or between the second last and the last.

Author mentioned within the text

Recently, Dostie (2003) has shown that...

In the text, use the conjunction and to mention the quotation of two authors:

Flaux and Van de Velde (2000) stated...

Authors mentioned in the text with a short quotation (less than 40 words)

Auer (2007, p. 40) indicates that...

References to web pages

References are presented in the same way as other types of documents, i.e., author and year in brackets.

  • The “author” is not a person: (APA guide, 2017)

  • There is no mention of a date: the reference is in English (Textometry, n.d.), or in French (Catach, s.d.)

  • Website as a whole:

The data were collected from ENCOW16 (, an English Web corpus…

8. List of references

  • The reference list follows the APA style.

  • English-language articles should follow the English APA style, and French-language articles the French APA style. Any work published in another language should follow the English APA style.

  • All works cited within the text should appear in the list of references.

  • References to several works by the same author should be listed in chronological order, with the oldest publication appearing first.

  • The scientific editor should be mentioned as follows: (Ed.) for the edition of a work in English or in French, by a single author; (Eds) for the edition of a work in English or in French by several authors.

Examples of references per type

Journal article

Bybee, J. (2006). From usage to grammar: The mind’s response to repetition. Language, 82(4). 711-733.

Jonasson, K. (1991). Les noms propres métaphoriques : construction et interprétation. Langue française, 92, 64-81.

Online journal article/DOI

Dankova, N. (2017). Storytelling in French from France and French from Quebec. Conceptualization of events. Corela, 15(2).

Van Goethem, K., & Norde, M. (2020). Extravagant “fake” morphemes in Dutch. Morphological productivity, semantic profiles and categorical flexibility. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 16(3), pp. 425-458.

Online dictionary or encyclopedia article with/without author

Rubino, C. (2013). Reduplication. In M.-S. Dryer & M. Haspelmath (Eds.). The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

Reduplication (n.d.). Oxford English Dictionary.


Talmy, L. (2000). Toward a Cognitive Semantics. MIT Press.

Flaux, N., & Van de Velde, D. (2000). Les noms en français : esquisse de classement. Ophrys.

Book chapter

Potts, C. (2007). The Dimensions of Quotation. In C. Barker & P. Jacobson (Eds), Direct Compositionality (pp. 151-197). Oxford University Press.

Traverso, V. (2012). Les objections et leur traitement dans des petits commerces français et syriens. In N. Auger, C. Béal & F. Demougin (Eds), Interactions et interculturalité : variété des corpus et des approches (pp. 101-123). Peter Lang.

Online book chapter

Jefferson, G. (2004). Glossary of transcript symbols with an introduction. In G. H. Lerner (Ed.), Conversation analysis: Studies from the first generation, (pp. 13-23). John Benjamins.

Note: for an online publication, indicate the day of the last consultation only if the source is subject to regular changes or updates (e.g., Wikipedia).

Several articles or books by the same author in the same year

Anscombre, J.-C. (2001a). Le rôle du lexique dans la théorie des stéréotypes. Langages, 142, 57-75.

Anscombre, J.-C. (2001b). A coup sûr/Bien sûr : des différentes manières d’être sûr de quelque chose. Recherches en linguistique et psychologie cognitive, 16, 135-160.

Conference Paper

Williams, J., & Seary, K. (2010). Bridging the divide: Scaffolding the learning experiences of the mature age student. In J. Terrell (Ed.), Making the links: Learning, teaching and high quality student outcomes. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the New Zealand Association of Bridging Educators (pp. 104-116). Wellington, New Zealand.

Book edition

Webelhuth, G. (Ed.). (1995). Government and binding theory and the minimalist program: Principles and parameters in syntactic theory. Blackwell.

Anscombre, J.-C., Donaire, M.-L., & Haillet, P.-P. (Eds.). (2013). Opérateurs discursifs du français. Éléments de description sémantique et pragmatique. Peter Lang.


Mann, D. L. (2010). Vision and expertise for interceptive actions in sport. Doctoral dissertation. The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Winterstein, G. (2010). La dimension probabiliste des marqueurs de discours. Thèse de Doctorat. Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7.


Ellis, R. (2001 [1997]). Second language acquisition (6th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Unpublished Conference Paper

Pulvermuller, F, Shtyrov, Y., & Cappelle, B. (2011, september). Can the brain help answering old linguistic questions?: On distributed words, semantic compositionality and abstract meaning. Paper presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2011), Logroño, Spain.

Peeters, B. (2017, 9-10 juin). Mais oui, eh non, ben si et compagnie : marqueurs français de l’accord et du désaccord [Conférence]. 31ème Colloque International du Cercle Linguistique du Centre et de l’Ouest, Université de Poitiers, France.

Document annexe

Droits d'auteur