Instructions to Authors

All articles submitted for publication should be written in the author’s own language. We only accept contributions in the English language for native speakers of Dutch, Greek, Norwegian, Swedish. The languages of publication are German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

We publish articles of flexible size (generally 6000 to 20000 words).

Ancient texts should be cited in the original–Greek or Latin–language and accompanied by a translation into the language of the article. For citations in ancient Greek, authors must use a Unicode font.

Contributors are free to choose their own format of presenting their citations, footnotes and bibliography, according to the conventions of scholarly publishing in their own language and countryHowever, the literature quoted should be referred to in the footnotes in an abbreviated form which is supplemented with further bibliographical details in a separate bibliography at the end of the article. The system of abbreviation should include the author, the year, and the exact pages.

Images can be published if they are free of copyright, or with kind permission of the museums or with mention of photo credits.

Each article should be introduced by a brief abstract and a list of key words.
Submissions should be sent to either of the two editors between Januar y 1 and by June 30 at the latest:

  • Jacqueline Fabre-Serris : jacqueline.fabre-serris [@] wanadoo [.] fr

  • Judith Hallett : jeph [@] umd [.] edu

Author’s commitment

An Author’s commitment will be sent to each author after her or his submission has been accepted for publication and must be signed and returned with the definitive version of the article, prior to copy editing for publication.

Download: Author’s commitment (docx)
