L’hybride, le psychique et le social : pour une psychanalyse mineure
- Hybridity, psyche and society: towards a minor psychoanalysis
DOI : 10.54563/revue-k.216
This article claims that the “identity” of psychoanalysis is only founded through its relation to its outside: hybridity, the inclusion of foreign, heterogenous elements, defines the psychoanalytical approach, and a conceptual, theoretical and epistemological hybridization of its discourse is what guarantees that it remains psychoanalytical. This dimension proves crucial, and clinical, when it comes to conceiving of a psychoanalytical approach of minorized and otherized subjects that stretches beyond the gender, sexuality and race normativity which prevails in certain discourses and practices performed in the name of psychoanalysis. Through a historical deconstruction of the norms that may characterize clinical and theoretical psychoanalysis, the article aims to define a political psychoanalysis likely to listen to minor discursivities: a minor psychoanalysis, after the model of minor literature that Deleuze and Guattari find in Kafka.
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Référence électronique
Thamy Ayouch, « L’hybride, le psychique et le social : pour une psychanalyse mineure », K [En ligne], 1 | 2018, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2018, consulté le 17 février 2025. URL : http://www.peren-revues.fr/revue-k/216