“Das eigentlich Komische ist freilich das Minutiöse”
Note sul comico in Kafka
DOI : 10.54563/revue-k.178
When Kafka, among his annotations for The Castle, inserts the sentence “But the real comic lies in the particular”, he gives us a precious indication about the mechanism of his writing. The extreme attention to narrative detail, which characterizes his style, is also a gimmick for him to give a comic tone to his poetic visions. Paying attention to Kafka’s comic side, this contribution aims to focus an aspect that some of his contemporaries had already highlighted, but that has only recently begun to raise a perceivable interest in the German studies.
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Référence électronique
Jutta Linder, « “Das eigentlich Komische ist freilich das Minutiöse” », K [En ligne], 1 | 2018, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2018, consulté le 17 février 2025. URL : http://www.peren-revues.fr/revue-k/178