La petite caillera transspécique (un nom qui porte bonheur)
DOI : 10.54563/revue-k.895
In this article, the author argues that what makes Pinocchio fascinating in today’s context is the constant process of mutations he is involved in, a process that can be envisioned from many angles – metamorphosis from a species to another, animal-becoming, escape lines, etc. Pinocchio is a troublemaker in family as in society for he is an ill-born child, some sort of a prematurate whose fate is to be acosmic, uncontrollable, recalcitrant. Collodi’s novel constantly swings from road movie to tale of terror and this is what makes it so attractive for the children, readers or listeners and for the adults, storytellers. Any reader or listener can see that its happy ending is nothing but scam and lie so that the the show can go on endless – Pinocchio’s quietening is just a pretence, a lull in anticipation of new misconducts and dissolute behaviors ; for Pinocchio is incorrigible and irredeemable – yesterday’s and today’ riffraff...
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Référence électronique
Alain Brossat, « La petite caillera transspécique (un nom qui porte bonheur) », K [En ligne], 5 | 2020, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2020, consulté le 17 février 2025. URL :