
The essay attributes to the figure of Antigone a destituent power capable of sovverting a idea of politics based on death. In this sense, Antigone looks like not only as anti-dialectical figure, but as political figure too; in fact, she is not fighting against the Creon, as Hegel declares, she is leaving rather the weight of its violence: Antigone is not against power but she is far from it. In this way she shows to the chorus - the people of Thebes - her uncle’s tyrannical power.


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Pierandrea Amato, « Antigone se retire », K [En ligne], 0 | 2018, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2018, consulté le 17 février 2025. URL : http://www.peren-revues.fr/revue-k/92


Pierandrea Amato

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